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    Children Health
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    The incidence of nasal allergies among children aged 6-7 and 13-14 last year was over 46%, which was higher than the global average1. A significant number of children in Hong Kong suffer from nasal allergies, and statistics show that this condition affects the greatest number of children in Hong Kong than anywhere else in the world. Although nasal allergy surgery is a possibility, there are other methods to reduce the symptoms and prevent nasal congestion, allowing children to be free from the discomfort of allergies.

    What are the symptoms of nasal allergies?

    Itching, nasal congestion, runny nose, sneezing, delayed sense of smell, red and itchy eyes, and watery eyes are just a few of the symptoms that can result from nasal allergies. Nasal allergies are brought on by allergic stimuli that affect the nasal mucosa. There is also a chance that other allergies, like eczema or asthma, will occur at the same time2.

    While the symptoms of nasal allergies and the common cold are very similar, the nature and the timing of these symptoms are rather different. Most nasal allergies occur in the morning and evening, or due to a change in temperature or environment. The nasal discharge of an allergy is usually clear. On the other hand, the common cold can continue for several days, and the nasal discharge is often thicker. Moreover, the common cold could be followed by other symptoms like sore throat and fever. Children who experience nasal allergies often experience symptoms such as a runny nose and nasal congestion upon waking and before sleeping3.

    Three major allergens that causes nasal allergies

    Dust mites, cockroaches, and animal hair are the three main allergens that frequently cause nasal allergies in children4. Dust mites are the most common allergen, with 95% of people who have nasal allergies being allergic to them5. Children are routinely exposed to dust mites through their bedding, pillows, blankets, carpets, and stuffed animals, which might make them more susceptible to nasal allergies.

    It might be difficult to control symptoms like persistent sneezing and a runny nose in kids who have nasal sensitivity. Here are seven emergency remedies listed below to relieve these symptoms:


    Relief method

    Runny nose

    Wash your nose with saline solution to remove allergen and secretions from the nasal cavity to maintain the moisture in the nasal mucosa


    An air purifier can be used to reduce the dust and allergens in the surroundings

    Nasal congestion

    • Use a hot towel to compress the nasal mucosa, which will open up the nasal cavity and make it simpler to hydrate and expel the heavy mucus.
    • Breathe in some steam to moisturize the nasal cavity

    Red and itchy eyes

    Redness and swelling can be reduced by applying ice to the affected area to help constrict the blood vessels

    6 ways to prevent children from developing nasal allergies

    Parents can take precautions to reduce the likelihood of their children getting triggered by allergies to prevent their children from suffering from nasal allergies all day. The actions listed below can be taken:

    1. Keep the house tidy

    The most effective technique to reduce allergies is through frequent cleaning. Bedding, curtains, and bed linens should all be changed frequently to avoid dust gathering. To completely remove dust without spreading it, use a vacuum cleaner. To reduce the exposure of youngsters to allergies, store woolen garments or dusty stuffed animals in sealed plastic bags.

    2. Wash bedding with hot water that is at least 55 degrees

    Although dust mites are a major contributor to nasal allergies, they can be removed from bedding by washing it in 55°C hot water for at least 10 minutes. To avoid exposing bedding to allergens like pollen and dust, dry bedding at a high temperature right after washing it4.

    3. Maintain the indoor humidity to below 50%

    Humid atmospheres encourage the proliferation of dust mites, which favour damp settings. Dust mites can be efficiently eliminated by reducing interior humidity with a dehumidifier or air conditioning.

    4. Periodically change the dust filters on your heater or air conditioner

    If left unused for a long time, air conditioners or heaters could grow mold. To stop dust from blowing out when the unit is turned on, clean the dust filter frequently2.

    5. Promote restful sleep practices

    Instruct kids to avoid forcefully spreading their bedding while they sleep to prevent dust from rising. To lessen the likelihood of inducing nasal allergies, give the dust some time to settle after making the bed2.

    6. Eliminate allergies from the house

    Avoid using indoor carpeting and growing plants or flowers. To reduce the exposure of kids to allergies, swap plush toys with plastic ones. To lessen animal allergens in the house, bathe your pets a couple of times a week and deep clean your house frequently.

    As everyone’s physical condition is different, one should always consult a doctor or medical professional before using any of the suggested methods.

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